Teach with Tournaments

Teach with Tournaments

This morning while doing my daily brain workout, I came across this story. After reading it I though about how much effort is being put into promoting the Flipped Classroom concept as an alternative teaching method. I was then thinking we should do the same to promote...

Code Club

Our friends over across the pond on that huge island people call the UK have come up with a pretty cool idea. I am always fascinated at all of the opportunities that are available for children these days, and this is one of those. The basic premise for Code Club is...
Get Moore out of Google

Get Moore out of Google

One of the most efficient ways our students can use to conduct research is through the proper use of Google search. The problem is most students do not learn how to search properly, nor do many colleges teach the proper methodology involved in doing searches. The guys...

Grammar Is Dead, Long Live Grammar Nerds

This post is not technology related, but it is one of my personal pet peeves, as more, and more of our students are having problems with spelling. The writer caught some flak in the comments so he posted an update to the initial post. Just for the record I am not a...